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assessing the state of the african american muslim community

Share your concerns and suggestions, interact with national leaders, and solve problems together

about the project

Assessing the State of the African American Muslim Community is an effort to bring together African American Muslims to closely analyze the issues facing the African American Muslim Community and to produce a consensus list of action items to address those issues. The historic project will be carried out in four phases beginning with an Online Survey in the winter of 2022. The assessment will conclude in the summer of 2023 with a State of the African American Muslim Community Report.

how to participate

scan the qr code to take the survey

  • National Town Hall
    National Town Hall
    June 24, 2023, Time TBD
    Share your concerns and suggestions, interact with national leaders, and solve problems together.
  • Online Survey
    Online Survey
    Fri, Dec 16
    Online Survey
    Online Survey
    Online Survey
    Complete the survey to identify issues and offer solutions.

organizing committee members

Dr. Bashir Ali, Conveners of Imams Associated with the Community of Imam W. Deen Mohammed

Imam Nadim Ali, MANA

Dr. Ihsan Bagby, MANA

Akil Fahd, Al-Ummah

Imam Abdul Karim Muhammad, Muslim Journal

Dr. Salahuddin Muhammad, MANA

Ayesha Mustafaa, Muslim Journal

Dr. Kameelah Rashad, Muslim Wellness Foundation

Imam Mika'il Stewart-Saadiq, MANA


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